Pitch your business idea or venture to an audience of potential investors!
Why apply?
You will have the opportunity to attend 6 workshops designed to help you structure your business and present your venture during the Pitch Competition that will take place at the MygrantsDays 2022.
Feedback, suggestions and input from the panel of judges made up of incubators, accelerators, business angels and investment funds will be essential for you to continue to grow and thrive.
And who knows, you might even find your next investor!
years of full commitment
Entrepreneurs backed
Equity capital successfully raised
Equity capital we're fundraising
The best of migrant entrepreneurship with Italian innovation actors
Entrepreneurs in finding new opportunities to grow, scale and succeed
Against other Entrepreneurs to identify the most promising founders
The ability of migrants to turn "crazy" business ideas into successful ventures
Who we are looking for
Business idea
Incorporated ventures
Application closed
Gli Ospiti
14 SepOpening of applications
24 OctClosing of applications
28 OctAnnouncement of selected business ideas and ventures
02 NovStart of Workshops
09 DecEnd of Workshops
18 dicMygrantsDays 2022
The event will take place at MUG in Bologna, Italy
In the last editions
Check out the photo gallery and relive the best moments of these 5 years of MygrantsDays